2020-What a Year!
We don't have to tell you that 2020 is an unprecedented year. Changes have happened so fast and everyone has scrambled to find their bearings. Our new vocabulary includes "social distancing" and "Stay at Home" ordinances and it all happened in the blink of an eye.. And now with horse shows canceled, workshops and classes canceled, in fact all events with over 10 people canceled, we have had to regroup to keep afloat.But enough of the current affairs as there is always a light at the end of every tunnel and we are seeing a slow re-emergence. We are continuing to do what we have always done-paint and create. So let's bring you up to date!
So for our Horse Show clients: Steve, after a hiatus with neck surgery has updated his popular blog !As many of you may know he has become known for painting outside the rings at many horse shows. In fact over the years, with so many changes taking place at some of the show grounds, he has been told that he is painting the history of some of the long standing events! With that in mind there are several of his horse show oil paintings available.
Below is an 8' x 10" oil of the Upperville in gate. So much has changed over the past 15 years at Upperville and his paintings reflect that. You can find more information here

You probably have to be a certain age to remember the old stables at the Warrenton Horse Show. But if, in the days when no one had the glitzy barns of new show grounds, you kept your pony or horse here, the painting below will hold a definite nostalgia for you! An 8" x 10" oil with details here.

Some Historic showgrounds which used to be on the outskirts of cities and towns are beginning to crumble under the steady growth of progress. One such show is the Sedgefield show outside of Greensboro, NC which faces a sale and re-zoning.

Stephen Filarsky painting the old Sedgefield Barn
All the original oil paintings that Stephen Filarsky painted on site have been sold, however there are prints available!
For prints of Devon and Deep Run, visit his blog

The Portraits continue to be a mainstay of our "Filarsky Brown Art Studio" with both Theresa and Steve creating in their favored mediums of oils, pastels and watercolor.

24" x 36" pastel by M Theresa Brown "Greg Best on Gem Twist"
For those who didn't realize that Theresa was also a printmaker in college and has, for the past 10 years included that among her creative pursuits, well you can enjoy a peek at that art form at The Silk Thread.
As well as painting and printmaking, she brought back her dormant sewing skills to create her own artisinal fashions with her fabrics! The past month or so has been crazy with sewing and donating many masks to needy organization. If you have need of one with a horse design, you can find them in her Etsy shop.!

The matching button headbands are designed so the elastic loops over the buttons, saving your ears!
There are so many ways to reach us! We have found that our Facebook pages can be updated far faster than a website! We confess our long time websites are a bit out of date BUT we both solved a part of that by using the Etsy format to add photos and keep pricing up to date! Our long time landing page On Road Artists will share our many links!
For Theresa's portraits https://www.etsy.com/shop/mtheresabrown
For our Filarsky Brown Art Studio Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/FilarskyBrownArtStudio
For Steve's Facebook paintings: https://www.facebook.com/sfilarsky/
That's plenty to absorb for now :-)
We hope you stay safe and follow the guidelines. Together we will all get through these times!
Warm Regards
Steve and Theresa